Cannonball Club


London Run

London Run

London Run

London Run

London Run

London Run

London Run





Welcome to the Cannonball Club!

This club and site was set up by a group of people who enjoy driving for the sake of driving. And also fans of the films of course!

The purpose of this club is to organise events so that the members can test themselves against each other in such areas as navigation, observation and driving ability.

Events are arranged and organised in response to feedback from the club members.

To date we have :-

a navigation run
a night navigation run
a London navigation run (avoid the traffic if you can!)
a 'treasure hunt' run (answer a series of questions around a set course)
and hopefully soon a track day!

Any excuse for a BBQ and a drink!

With any run organised by this club, events are started with a minimum separation of 5 minutes between cars to prevent meeting up with another member whilst on the road. We believe that this could result in a competitive nature springing up and possible inappropriate driving for public roads. We do all we can to avoid this.

This site does not condone the use of inappropriate speed on the public roads; this is what track days are for!

It is this club's opinion that you should always chose a speed that is appropriate for the conditions of the road and surrounding features, taking special note of the time of day.

Email us at for more information.

This site is still under construction, check back soon for information and photos of past events, members and details on future runs!